first day in europe!

Due to my family thats reading this, this will probably be the most detailed post I've written so far (more details=more clues to my dad just in case he has to go Liam Nelson on someone if I become part of a "Taken" movie scene). 

So this past week I've been visiting my family preparing for my cousins wedding (which I'll post on later. Twas a helluva good time), and haven't had much time to dwell on the fact that I was about to leave the country. Saturday night at the wedding, I couldn't explain to you how happy I was to be with my family... I remember as all of us were dancing I stopped to thank God because I am so blessed He gave me such a fun & loving family (that loves to wobble as much as I do). It was the perfect last day in America. 

{Nobody saw Nicki Minaj coming out of my cousin Ali. Girlfriend can dance}
{Becca & I}
{Probably mid Bernie}

Sunday morning I woke up singing me & my dad's song: I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane. Except this time I really was, and it was weird. After saying goodbye to the family at the airport I was off! The plane ride was very entertaining as:
1. Lufthansa planes are like the Hogwarts Express of the air. They are magical!
2. I had two empty seats next to me. At first I was disappointed because I have always met wonderful people on planes but then I realized I got triple pillows blankets & leg room. Whaddup sprawled out Veronica.
3. We had chicken curry & chocolate mousse for dinner! And wine. :) Lots of wine. 
4. Thanks to the wine and having Modern Family on my TV, I giggled at least half of the way. I also watched the guy in front of me try to keep his laugh to himself as he watched Modern Family and giggled even more. 
5. They had one of my favorite french movies on demand. I was a happy flier. 
6. Did I mention they gave me wine? 

I was so excited when I landed I think it gave me a superhuman adrenaline rush. That's the only way to explain how I carried a guitar case + checked bag + carryon + my backpacking pack through the airport. After exchanging some money, I had a 10 minute game of trying to find my assigned driver. His name is P.A.S. 
His second wedding anniversary is today and his birthday is this Wednesday. He was a sweetheart who was as equally enthralled with the story of the guy high on bath salts & cocaine eating another guys face as I was. Fun first conversation! As I looked out of the window, all I could see was beautiful greenery. It was raining (and it hasn't stopped since), but hands down, Germany & where I am currently in the Netherlands has the most charm of any landscape I've ever seen. I want to stay here forever. 

We went straight to my new work where I met with the HR department to get the keys for the place I'll be staying. I was supposed to live in the intern cottage but it turns one of the girls is having a late departure and will have the room till Sunday. So I get to stay in a hotel apartment for a week! It has it's own living room, kitchen, and upper floor with three extra beds! 

{my living room for the week! HUGE WINDOWS}

After I freshened up, I headed to meet Mirriam, one of the women I will be working with, for lunch at the company restaurant. Except of course I was a total newbie at life and forgot to pack a rain jacket/umbrella. So in the middle of me walking from my hotel apt. to the company gates it starts pouring. I run into the receptionist building at the beginning of the company property and was given my second example of how nice everyone here is (first was PAS). A women went out in the rain to bring me her umbrella from her car so that I could use it for the rest of the walk! I swear these people are the kindest people in the world. I made it to lunch & afterwards Mirriam showed me around the facilities and introduced me to everyone in the International Marketing & Sales Department. Everyone is so cool. There are a lot more people my age than I thought and everyone was very friendly and welcoming. You could tell this was a fun work atmosphere! Even though I'm not supposed to start until next Monday, I asked if I could help out this week to get to know everyone better (plus everyone will need an extra hand since this week is the company's 95th Anniversary). 
After meeting everyone, I got a tour of the premises. This place is breathtaking. The company has a modern decor inside renovated old architecture. For instance the headquarters is the old barn and there is even a castle on the property! 

After the tour, I wanted to explore a bit so I went to town to pick up a few groceries and get to know it a bit. The square looks like it popped out of a story book. I stopped by the Co-op to pick up bread, good cheese, wine & 2 types of yogurt. They have the biggest selection of yogurt I've ever seen. And its the good kind. The straight from the cow/goat kind. Give me yoghurt & I'm a happy girl. 

Which leads me to now. I'm sitting in the cafe next to my apartment drinking a glass of red with Mumford and Sons playing overhead and just ate the most delicious meal. My new friend Jack is apparently a freaking world class chef and out of this quaint little cafe, he gave me the best smoked salmon of my life. Let me have a foodie/fattie moment while I describe what is sitting in my stomach right now. Smoked salmon and carpaccio salad with quail eggs, white asparagus, sprouts, fresh carrots and champagne tomatoes with truffle oil dressing. The way the fresh smoked salmon tasted when paired with the white asparagus...I could probably write a paragraph about the sensory experience. I'm pretty sure God is going to have this waiting for me at the pearly gates. First meal in Holland: heaven. Oh and Mumford was just replaced with 50 cent. Dutch radio is funny. 

{hotel restaurant}
{so. delicious.}

Though I'm over 5000 miles from home, sitting here in this cafe, watching the rain fall on this charming town, I already feel a sense of home. 

Simply love, 


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