
Early Saturday morning we took the train from Passau to Munich. Ole makes fun of me because I have the ability to fall fast asleep anywhere in a matter of minutes but with all the trains I’m taking I think it’s one of my best talents.
When we arrived in Munich, the weather was perfect. The whole weekend was wonderfully hot, and reminded me of the luxe heat from Texas.
We then went downtown to meet the sweetest tour guide on earth, Ole’s friend Ben. We spent the rest of the day going through his favorite parts of the city, having pretzels & beer at the famous Chinese Tower Beirgarten, watching the surfers at the Englischer Garten, and stopping by some of the local vendors where I scored a gorgeous handmade leather wallet that was “cheap as chips” [still the cutest expression ever].
{it was so hot we had to eat the gelato as fast as we least that was the excuse ;)}
{one of the coolest things of the day: the surfer's at the Englishcher Garten}
{at the Residence Gardens}
{Mayor's residence}
{at the Chinese Tower Biergarten}

Munich was my kind of city. The architecture was gorgeous, and there were a ton of restaurants, nice shopping and art museums that I could spend weeks exploring. Though it’s a huge city with over 1 million people, it never felt busy or rushed. It had a slow sense of enjoyment along with the enthusiasm and vibrancy present in big cities with people demonstrating their beliefs, talents, and hobbies. It’s an inspiring city with class and I loved it.

We ended the day of sightseeing laying under a shade tree in the English gardens. The park was full of people enjoying the good weather, and we spent our last moments in Munich people watching 
while listening to an accented version of Wonderwall. Solid afternoon.  

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