166 days

It has been 166 days since I've left Europe and the first weekend that I've had time to stop and think back on it all. 

From the second I stepped back on American soil I've been in a whirlwind of moving in, starting classes, a new job, and seeing beautiful people I've missed. 

It's been wonderfully consuming. 

However, among the craziness I haven't had time to reflect on my summer...to let it sink in that that actually happened. 

That this past summer I lived in Holland. 

I interned with a global company, and worked with such wonderful people that I looked forward to every morning coffee break. 

I lived in a closet room in an intern house and was known in Nunhem as the new girl {who was always either at the bus stop or market}. 

I couch surfed throughout Europe. 

I traveled by myself & loved every second for what it was worth. 
I also met so many friends I never felt alone. 

It was a summer of realizations. 

It was also one filled with beautiful friendships and beautiful places. Both of which I miss more than I can describe. 

My heart has never felt more full than when I was abroad, nor have I ever felt more at home. I've never felt more like myself & I've never felt more alive.
In total I traveled 7 countries in 2 continents and spent my time traveling in the best way: by living with locals. I may not have seen every (or hardly any) museums, but I saw sunsets from a secret spot, overlooked cities on apartment rooftops, partied with new friends & strangers, picked up recipes from the dinners we made together and fell in love with people every day.

I was disenchanted by anything touristic, and instead explored places through people. 
I got lost a lot & found that when lost you always find something, from a new friend to an incredible view. 

The best part of it all, is that in 59 days, I get to go back. 
I've gotten a scholarship to go to an art school in Italy to study Art History & Photography. 
And I. Can't. Wait.  

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